[Yum] how to define package install order in a yum group

Ervin Yan Ervin_Yan at symantec.com
Mon Aug 4 21:43:05 UTC 2014

Hi, James,

Thanks a lots for your information. 

One more question, do we have ways to update the yum group comps xml to define the rpm install order, instead of update the rpm spec file and re-build the rpm?


-----Original Message-----
From: James Antill [mailto:james at mail.and.org] On Behalf Of James Antill
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 8:53 AM
To: Yellowdog Updater, Modified
Cc: Ervin Yan
Subject: Re: [Yum] how to define package install order in a yum group

Ervin Yan <Ervin_Yan at symantec.com> writes:

> Hi, Yum team:
> Recently, I am working to create a yum group to install my product packages on RHEL, and already have the package group working with yum.
> But,  I met a new issue that there are 1 rpm package need be installed as the last one.
> Also I could not define dependencies for this rpm package to all the packages in this group since this package need be installed as part of another group as well.
> Could anyone have ideas how I can define the package install order in the yum group?

 You can use the rpm feature OrderWithRequires ... this works the same way as Requires, but it doesn't require the packages it only affects the install order if they are in the same transaction (if foo requires bar, then bar must be installed before foo in a transaction).
 That was added in rpm-4.9.

James Antill -- james at and.org

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