[Yum] is there a bug with the exactarch option?

tim.lauridsen at gmail.com tim.lauridsen at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 08:28:52 UTC 2012

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 4:40 AM, Andy <andy-nntp23 at linuxtech.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm running Scientific Linux 6.2 x86_64 (Redhat 6.2 clone) and I also
> manage a
> repo for it, which has both i686 and x86_64 packages in it, that aren't
> always
> exactly at the same version.
> The repo is here:
> http://pkgrepo.linuxtech.net/el6/release/
> As you can see the package ffmpeg-libs for example is at version 0.6.3-2
> for
> x86_64, while it's already at version 0.6.5-1 for i686.
> What happens now is that on the x86_64 box where I only have x86_64
> packages
> installed so far (including ffmpeg-libs-0.6.3-2) if I run 'yum update', yum
> will try to use the newer i686 package (ffmpeg-libs-0.6.5-1) to update the
> installed older x86_64 package.
> This happens despite I have 'exactarch=1' in /etc/yum.conf.
> Isn't 'exactarch=1' supposed to prevent this, or am I misunderstanding the
> purpose of 'exactarch=1'?
> If 'exactarch=1' isn't supposed to prevent this, how else can I avoid
> this, as
>  upgrading a x86_64 with a i686 package will obviously cause a mess and
> therefore shouldn't happen?
> Scientific Linux 6.2 uses yum version 3.2.29.
> Thanks in advance for any clarification.
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IFAIK exactarch is protecting 'i386' to be update by ex. 'i686'
 (compatible archs)
i686 & x86_64 is not compatible archs, but multilib

You should try these in your yum.conf


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