[Yum] Specific OS Version

seth vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Wed Nov 3 17:42:09 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-11-03 at 12:24 -0500, BJ Dierkes wrote:
> This is an interesting question for me, as it is something I've been struggling to figure a way around.  In our environment we are locking boxes to the latest EUS/zStream release.  Once we approve the next EUS release, we then modify the base channels for said boxes in RHN to subscribe to the next supported point release.
> What I'm trying to possibly figure out is... how to cleanly support that model with Yum repositories.  For example, in the previous comment it was mentioned to replace '$release' with '5.4' .... however, should the box move from '5.4' to '5.6' EUS yum would be 'broken' or atleast, pointing to the wrong repo.
> I guess what I'm getting at is... it would be very handy in supporting EUS to have a variable similar to $release but that supports the full Major.Minor release version of RHEL that can be used in Yum configs... like $full_release.

Well - not in rhel5 but in the fedoras and rhel6 you can
use /etc/yum/vars/somefilename

fill the file with whatever single line you want
and then yum will expand that into $somefilename in your config files
and .repo files


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