[Yum] yum access ftp repos without a proxy, http with proxy

Brian Long brilong at cisco.com
Tue Jun 30 14:46:24 UTC 2009

Gene Smith wrote:
> I have a new situation at work were the proxy server refuses to allow
> *.rpm files to be downloaded because they are "streaming media".

I would consider engaging your Infosec people at work and suggest they
restrict by MIME type and not just by extension.  Files ending in .rpm
might be Real Media stream or RPM packages, so they're restricting both.
 If they were to restrict based on the MIME type offered by the web
server, this could solve your problem instead of hacking around with
HTTP / FTP proxies.


       Brian Long                             |       |
       Corporate Security Programs Org    . | | | . | | | .
                                              '       '
                                              C I S C O

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