[Yum] PATCH: handle more checksum in repomd file

Miroslav Suchý msuchy at redhat.com
Tue Jun 30 09:50:37 UTC 2009

James Antill wrote:
>  I think it's worse than that, for instance does anyone know what
> 3.0.1 will do? Or 2.4.0?
We can try. I'm willing to test it. I will have to do it anyway.

>  Better than that, what's the point in having two checksums in
> repomd.xml for a single primary ... when the .xml and/or .sqlite data
> for primary will only use a single type (yum-metadata-parser just
> picks the "last" (from the xml parser)).
Why not. You assume that repo is created with createrepo. And what if not?
What if it really contains more checksums: SHA256, SHA1 and MD5 as last. 
Yum will then pick up md5 and will use it. Despite the weekness of md5, 
and despite availability of SHA256, which is preffered.

>  If you need sha/md5 and sha256 support you need to create a full set
> of repodata, IMNSHO. 
What do you mean by "full set of repodata"? Can you elaborate?

> For spacewalk just default to sha or md5, and
> a way to change it ... and use that change on the official servers.

No way. Sorry. But if yum do not see this as benefit, we will have to 
solve this ourself in yum-rhn-plugin.

Miroslav Suchy
Red Hat Satellite Engineering

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