[Yum] yum access ftp repos without a proxy, http with proxy

Seth Vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Mon Jun 29 11:25:44 UTC 2009

On Mon, 29 Jun 2009, Adrian Reber wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 07:26:56PM -0400, Gene Smith wrote:
>> So I guess the new question is: how do you I set a mirrorlist url to
>> also return ftp sites and not just http? And how do I ask for sites in
>> all countries having ftp sites be returned, not just US?
> This is not really yum related, but I answer anyway on this list. In the
> mirrorlist code there is following comment:
> """
> remove all but http and ftp URLs,
> and if both http and ftp are offered,
> leave only http.
> """
> So it looks like you are out of luck and it is currently not really
> possible to get all available FTP sites. But it does not look like it
> would be difficult to add another parameter to the mirrorlist to select
> the preferred protocol.
> To get a mirrorlist for all countries you have to add "&country=global"

you can play with this plugin which should let you sift out any set of 
urls based on a regex:



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