[Yum] [UG] Urlgrabber 3.9.0 - pycurl-tastic

Brian Long brilong at cisco.com
Mon Aug 3 12:08:18 UTC 2009

On 07/31/2009 04:32 PM, Seth Vidal wrote:

> The big change for this release is porting the backend over to using
> libcurl/pycurl. It took a fair bit of work to preserve the existing
> urlgrabber api and make things sane/behave with pycurl. 

Hello Seth,
I might have missed an email, but why the backend change to pycurl?  I
saw James Anthill mention a curl-based backend a few weeks ago, but I
never saw a discussion on the change.

Just curious what's coming down the pike...

       Brian Long                             |       |
       Corporate Security Programs Org    . | | | . | | | .
                                              '       '
                                              C I S C O

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