[Yum] yum critical: <XYZ> was supposed to be installed but is not

Martin Vogt vogt at itwm.fraunhofer.de
Mon Aug 3 10:03:05 UTC 2009

Hello list,

I have tracked down a critical yum error message:

>was supposed to be installed but is not!

If this package is part of other rpm packages
which gets updated, I get this critical error
message for every rpm packet.
This error somtimes leads to the:

>db4 error(-30987) from db

which I have already posted:


The source in yum, which writes this error message is:

__init__.py around line 1048:

>for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
>  if txmbr.output_state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
>    #print "checking:",po=txmbr.po
>    if not self.rpmdb.contains(po=txmbr.po):
>    # maybe a file log here, too
>    # but raising an exception is not going to do any good
>    self.logger.critical(_('%s was supposed to be installed' \
>                           ' but is not!' % txmbr.po))
>    continue

Is there a way to find out more?
Eg: Whats so evil with this "kernel-source" rpm?



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