[Yum] Keep just one specific kernel version

Gerry Reno greno at verizon.net
Thu Apr 9 23:26:35 UTC 2009

Manuel Amador (Rudd-O) wrote:
> Yum already specialcases the kernel and it only installs instead of upgrading.
> El Jueves 09 Abril 2009, Gerry Reno escribió:
>> I ran into a situation where we needed to boot into rescue mode to
>> repair an older F7 system.  Once in rescue mode I chrooted into
>> /mnt/sysimage and tried starting rpcbind and nfs.  I was greeted with
>> errors about couldn't find kernel lib modules.  Then it dawned on me
>> that this system had been updating the kernel so it no longer had the
>> original kernel available that would match the kernel from the rescue
>> disk.
>> So is there a way to keep the original kernel and still allow the system
>> to update to newer kernels?  I just want to keep the one original kernel
>> version so that it will match rescue mode.  Otherwise the system should
>> be free to update the kernel if it wishes and only keep two most recent
>> kernels (plus the one original kernel).
Please do not top post.

I've seen 'yum update' bring in kernels.  Maybe this was on older 
versions of yum like on this old F7 system.  The goal is to be able to 
allow kernel to update but always keep the original version of kernel.  
I don't see any option right now that will allow this behavior.


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