[Yum] how to query the subpackages represented by a meta-package?

James Antill james-yum at and.org
Tue Apr 7 20:09:18 UTC 2009

"Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday at crashcourse.ca> writes:

>   what's the incantation to query the subpackages represented by a
> meta package?  for example, "qemu", which would end up installing a
> number of individual qemu-related package.  thanks.

 As Seth says, you can look at the deps., which is the answer you
asked for. But maybe what you really want is "list of pkgs coming
from a source rpm".
 Which we don't have a pre-built command to do, but this works:

% cat /tmp/list-source.py
#! /usr/bin/python -tt

import sys
import yum

yb = yum.YumBase()

ret = {}
for pkg in yb.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=sys.argv[1:]):
    ret[pkg.sourcerpm] = []
for pkg in yb.pkgSack:
    if pkg.sourcerpm in ret:
for srcrpm in ret:
for srcrpm in sorted(ret, key=lambda x: ret[x][-1]):
    print srcrpm
    for pkg in ret[srcrpm]:
        print " " * 3, pkg

% /tmp/list-source.py qemu
Loaded plugins: Avahi, auto-update-debuginfo

James Antill -- james at and.org

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