[Yum] problem upgrading distro via yum

Casey Boone caseyboone at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 22:19:11 UTC 2008

While looking through the output of "yum list all | sort | less" in
the hopes of finding version numbering discrepancies, I did find this:

cups-libs.i386                           1:1.3.7-4.fc8          installed
cupsddk-drivers.i386                     1.2.3-3.fc8            installed
cups.i386                                1:1.3.7-1.fc9          fedora
cups-devel.i386                          1:1.3.7-1.fc9          fedora
cups-lpd.i386                            1:1.3.7-1.fc9          fedora
cups-pdf.i386                            2.4.7-1.fc9            fedora

As you can see, the fc8 version of cups-libs is newer than the fc9
version of cups (by version string that is, might be the same
otherwise, haven't dug into it).  It looks like the cups-libs package
functionality has been rolled into something else, I am assuming the
cups package directly.

I found enough packages that didn't have a direct fc9 package as well
as several things in fc8 looking to be newer in version than they were
on fc9, so I am going to just have to bite the bullet and get the
machine out of its current location and do a clean install with data
restore.  If I can come up with another machine to test with, I will
attempt a fresh fc8 install, updated to current, and then try the yum
upgrade method to fc9 on it.

Casey Boone

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