[Yum] yumex localized categories from comps.xml

seth vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Fri Oct 3 18:50:07 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 00:41 +0300, Muayyad AlSadi wrote:
> why does not yumex show groups/categories in the localized despite
> that the comps.xml file contains translations
> is it something in yumex or in yum
> and how can we fix it

what ver of yum and of yumex. Also when you run yumex - you're running
it as root - is root's lang setting the same as your user?

Finally, run:

yum grouplist

and tell me if those are localized? They should be at this point. If not
you're running an older yum.


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