[Yum] Re: how make sure yum installs <= i586?

seandarcy seandarcy2 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 21:48:20 UTC 2007

seth vidal wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-10-28 at 12:26 -0400, sean darcy wrote:
>> seth vidal wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2007-10-28 at 10:50 -0400, seandarcy wrote:
>>>> I posted this on fedora.general, without success, so any help appreciated.
>>>> I'm running fc6 on an old i586 machine. yum updates the kernel correctly 
>>>>    (that is, kernel.i586), and does not install glibc.i686.
>>>> But, it continues to install openssl.i686, which causes no end of 
>>>> trouble, because this a remote machine. openssl.i686 hoses sshd and rpm. 
>>>>   So someone actually has to crawl though a long shaftway, and set the 
>>>> machine to allow telnet.
>>>> I have exactarch=1.
>>>> cat /etc/yum.conf
>>>> [main]
>>>> cachedir=/var/cache/yum
>>>> keepcache=0
>>>> debuglevel=2
>>>> logfile=/var/log/yum.log
>>>> pkgpolicy=newest
>>>> distroverpkg=redhat-release
>>>> tolerant=1
>>>> exactarch=1
>>>> obsoletes=1
>>>> gpgcheck=1
>>>> plugins=1
>>>> metadata_expire=1800
>>>>   uname -p
>>>> i586
>>>> cat fedora-updates.repo
>>>> [updates]
>>>> name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Updates
>>>> #baseurl=http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/updates/$releasever/$basearch/
>>>> mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=updates-released-fc$releasever&arch=$basearch
>>>> enabled=1
>>>> gpgcheck=1
>>>> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora
>>>> ........
>>>> I have no i686 packages installed:
>>>> rpm -q glibc
>>>> glibc-2.5-18.fc6.i386
>>> please provide the output of:
>>> cat /etc/rpm/platform
>> cat /etc/rpm/platform
>> athlon-redhat-linux
>> !!!
>>> and
>>> uname -a
>>   uname -a
>> Linux MyMachine #1 SMP Thu Sep 27 17:45:57 EDT 2007 i586 
>> i586 i386 GNU/Linux
>> So do I need to change /etc/rpm/platform to i586-redhat-linux?
> just remove the file.
> -sv

Did that. Where did the file come from?  That is, if I upgrade rpm, will 
it be installed again?

Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it.


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