[Yum] installed, works, resolved connectivity issue, now ....how to get it to actually update.

David Timms dtimms at iinet.net.au
Wed Oct 10 22:17:17 UTC 2007

garrett.allen at comcast.net wrote:
> cool!  thanks for the quick response.  i'll try it in a few.  so if
> previously installed i don't need to specify a package and it should
> detect based on the inventory.  if it is a new rpm i have to specify
> a name.  in a widely distributed net with hundreds of nodes is there
> another way to do an install of a new rpm without remoting to each?

yum grouplist {to find out what groups are available}
yum groupinstall whatevergroup {to install it}

If those groups aren't to your liking you can:
- make a new repo creating the groups and group contents you like
- make an rpm/s that simply pulls in other rpms, see attached what I 
use. You need the rpm build tools to build the rpm into installable 
binary rpms. You can createrepo to make a yum installable repo out of 
the rpms you create.

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