[Yum] headbeating continues
seth vidal
skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Mon Oct 8 21:13:55 UTC 2007
On Mon, 2007-10-08 at 21:09 +0000, garrett.allen at comcast.net wrote:
> well, in the production environment, which is fairly chaotic, i seem to have a difficulty getting the repomd.xml file read. what i get back is:
> 0001# yum -y -c /etc/yum.repos.d/local-updates.repo check-update
> Repository local-mods already added, not adding again
> Setting up repositories
> Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: local-mods
> failure: repodata/repomd.xml from local-mods: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
> 0001#
> i had an apache conf file (a yum-vhost.conf one) but that broke basic http connections and it resulted in a 404 for the request on the repomd.xml file. removing it and going straight to the ip address in the client config yields the above. the client is very simple config:
> [local-mods]
> name=local-mods
> baseurl=http://x.y.124.179/var/www/html/yum/rel001
> enabled=1
> the file is on the web server under /var/www/html/yum/rel001/repodata
> any thoughts / suggestions / help would be appreciated. this one has me puzzled.
I thought you already solved this before?
remove /var/www/html/ from the baseurl and see if it starts working.
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