[Yum] yum-updatesd patch

Nickolai Zeldovich nickolai at cs.stanford.edu
Mon Jan 22 05:18:16 UTC 2007

On 1/21/07, seth vidal <skvidal at linux.duke.edu> wrote:
>  Thanks for the patch. The only thing I worry about is the more-or-less
> global exception catch in your try, except clauses. Is it possible to
> narrow the set of possible exceptions down there so we don't end up
> catching the world?

Fair enough.  I don't understand how exceptions should be propagating,
so here's another take on this bug.  Whenever an exception reaches
UpdateInstallThread.run, we first release the locks held logically by
this thread, and then let the exception propagate as before.  The
attached patch does not change what exceptions are produced or
consumed, but only releases locks before a thread holding these locks
is about to terminate.

I've tested the patch, and even though UpdateInstallThread keeps
halting when the IndexError exception gets thrown, the yum lock is
properly released.

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