[Yum] Missing dependency for package "yum" !!!!

Schopf pschopf2006 at yahoo.com.br
Sun Jan 21 03:23:20 UTC 2007


   A have a strange problem using yum. When I try "yum update" or "yum install anypackage", I get this mesage:

Error: Missing Dependency: python(abi) = 2.4 is needed by package yum

   I tried to put "exclude=yum" in yum.conf, but problem is still there.

    One solution for this message should be uninstall the package and after "yum update", install it again. But the package is yum! If I uninstall yum, I cant use it, of course!

    Im using Fedora Core 6, python-2.4.4-1.fc6 and yum-3.0.3-1.fc6

    Any idea about it?

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