[Yum] Re: Missing dependency stalling update?
Morgan Read
mstuff at read.org.nz
Tue Feb 27 03:10:29 UTC 2007
Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
>>>>>> "MR" == Morgan Read <mstuff at read.org.nz> writes:
> MR> Hi Folks, Missing dependency on libbluetooth.so.2 Any suggestions?
> You are running FC5, but the gnokii packages you are trying to install
> (or upgrade) are built for FC6.
Errr, that's very weird!
I did once use a fc6 updates repo of something, but I checked my configs
and ran yum again, with exactly the same results. This is the only
thing I've got in my configs that relates to fc6:
#name=Fedora Core SIX ONLY - Updates
Now, I can't see any reason why that should be causing a problem? Am I
missing something?
Morgan Read
fedora: Freedom Forever!
"By choosing not to ship any proprietary or binary drivers, Fedora does
differ from other distributions. ..."
Quote: Max Spevik
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