[Yum] upgrade from 32-bit to 64-bit

Gerry Reno greno at verizon.net
Sat Feb 24 21:46:50 UTC 2007

Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> I did it on one box. and it mostly works fine. but the box does some 
> goofy
> things at times.  I would recommend against doing it.  after the upgrade i 
> still had to clean alot of things up.  In all seriousness I dont think it is 
> a sane thing to do.  I am going to rebuild the box i did it on soon because 
> of the quirks
> Dennis
  When I started into researching this I was hoping that someone might 
have written a yum plugin that would just do this.  But I have not found 
one anywhere.
  A lot of people had cautioned me against doing an upgrade from FC5 to 
FC6 also but I did not have any problems because I only installed 
software using the packager and never from tarball.  Here we are just 
talking about switching the same modules for a version that is compiled 
for 64-bits.  I don't understand why that should be so traumatic.  Can 
you tell me exactly where you see these quirks?  This is the information 
I'm trying to gather so I can investigate what the specific problems 
might be and account for them. 


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