[Fwd: [Yum] Install / update problem]
Tim Lauridsen
tla at rasmil.dk
Tue Feb 6 08:54:32 UTC 2007
edwardspl at ita.org.mo wrote:
> Tim Lauridsen wrote:
>> edwardspl at ita.org.mo wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Would you mind to help ?
>>> [root at svr1 fc6]# yum localinstall telnet*.rpm
>>> Loading "installonlyn" plugin
>>> Setting up Local Package Process
>>> Examining telnet-0.17-37.i386.rpm: telnet - 1:0.17-37.i386
>>> Examining telnet-server-0.17-37.i386.rpm: telnet-server - 1:0.17-37.i386
>>> Marking telnet-server-0.17-37.i386.rpm to be installed
>>> Setting up repositories
>>> Could not retrieve mirrorlist
>>> http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=c
>>> ore-6&arch=i386 error was
>>> [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (-3, 'Temporary failure in name
>>> resolution')>
>>> Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: core
>>> [root at svr1 fc6]#
>>> How can we modify the config of yum, then it can be used for local
>>> disk to do the install / update ?
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>> The idea of using 'yum localinstall rpmfile', insted of using 'rpm
>> -ivh rpmfile' is that yum localinstall checks the dependencies in the
>> rpmfile to install and gets them for the enabled repositories.
>> If you dont have access to the repositories on the internet, then you
>> must create a local yum repository.
>> Try to read this, i might give you some ideas.
>> http://www.city-fan.org/tips/YumRepoFromImages
>> Tim
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> Hello,
> So, do you means :
> 1, edit /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo or
> /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-core.repo, whichever one is present
> 2, comment out any line starting with baseurl or mirrorlist
> 3, add a new line:
> eg : baseurl=file:///usr/local/src/rpms
> then copy any rpm package files in there, then run "yum localinstall
> rpm-file-name"
> right ?
> Edward.
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> Yum mailing list
> Yum at lists.dulug.duke.edu
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1. Edit the core, updates & extras repo files and set enabled=0.
2. create an new local-rpms.repo
name=my local rpms
3. copy the rpm's into /usr/local/src/rpms
4. cd /usr/local/srv/rpms
5. run 'createrepo .' to create metadata needed by yum. ( You need to
install createrepo rpms first)
6. you can now run yum update & yum install from the rpms in your local
7. You need to run createrepo every time you change the content of
8. you can copy the content of /usr/local/srv/rpms (after createrepo has
been executed) and the local-rpms.repo to another machine, and use the
repo there.
9. if you have more local machines to update, then creating a local
webserver with rpms and the metadata created by createrepo and change
the baseurl in the local-rpms.repo to point to
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