[Yum] F7 yum 3.2.7 ignoring installonlypkgs?

seth vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Sat Dec 8 03:57:50 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 18:50 -0500, Richard Michael wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've probably missed something obvious, but my Fedora 7 yum seems to be
> ignore my settings for installonlypkgs and installonly_limit.
> Yum appears to insist on updating my kernel packages, and I haven't
> exceeded installonly_limit.
> (I used livna repos for nvidia kernel modules.  I disabled the livna
> repo for the tests below, but I have the same problem when livna repos
> remain enabled..)
> What have I missed?  Is there another setting (other than /etc/yum.conf)
> on a Fedora system which is controlling this behaviour?

IT was a bug in 3.2.7 which was fixed in 3.2.8 which is out and already
in fedora-7 stable updates.

wait for your mirrors to get synced then update!


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