[Yum] Fedora 6 -> 7 yields missing Python module

seth vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Mon Dec 3 16:47:51 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 08:19 -0800, Fred Metcalf wrote:
> Problem solved!  Thanks to the responders, I was led to investigate the 
> installation of rpm itself (I'd had no doubts that rpm would have been 
> updated correctly).  It turns out that rpm and supporting modules had 
> not been updated, and were still the Fedora 6 versions.
> I would note that there was no indication of an incomplete upgrade 
> during the process of moving from Fedora 6 to Fedora 7.

That's because the version of rpm in updated fc6 was higher than the
version in the initial release of f7. it was a mistake that's been noted
so we don't make it in the future.


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