[Yum] Fedora 6 -> 7 yields missing Python module

David Timms dtimms at iinet.net.au
Mon Dec 3 11:23:25 UTC 2007

Fred Metcalf wrote:
> I just upgraded from Fedora 6 to Fedora 7 (Fedora 8 will not install due 
> to a halt during the dependencies check), and yum complains about a 
> missing python module, "rpm".  Looking at the python libraries I see the 
> sturcture of the rpm related files has changed considerably.
> Any suggestions on a quick fix to the problem would be much appreciated. 
>  Here's the output of the a simple command "yum":
> ========================================================
> There was a problem importing one of the Python modules
> required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:
>    No module named rpm

Guessing here; is rpm itself working and what versions did you end up with ?
$ rpm -qa rpm\* yum\* python |sort

Are the main requirements for yum installed properly ?
$ rpm -V rpm rpm-python yum python python-urlgrabber python-sqlite


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