[Yum] list policy changes

seth vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Fri Sep 22 13:35:23 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-09-22 at 14:33 +0200, Jochen Wiedmann wrote:
> Seth,
> seth vidal wrote:
> > I don't think I have that feature turned on. I wanted the messages held
> > and no notification given specifically for the aforementioned reason.
> being a moderator of several Apache lists myself, I know the problem 
> very well. IMO, it's your personal decision, however you should ask 
> yourself the following:
> How many "true" messages are actually being discarded? (That's something 
> only you as the moderator can know.) If the answer is "almost none", 
> then I'd say you've got nothing to loose. Otherwise, you've got possibly 
> more work to expect by handling mails, which are directed to you 
> personally than to the list.

On average I get about 400-500 messages in that queue in a week and
maybe 1 message every month is a legit one that needs to be approved.

So figure 1/2000 messages is something that needs to be looked at.


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