[Yum] newbie

Michael Stenner mstenner at ece.arizona.edu
Thu Oct 19 22:57:00 UTC 2006

On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 11:05:14PM +0100, Peter Flynn wrote:
> Steve Ingraham wrote:
> >Yeah, well that makes two of us then it appears.  I fully acknowledge to
> >everyone in the world reading my posts that I don't know much of what I
> >am doing when working in Linux.  I try to read as much as I can about
> >these systems and try to decipher what all the talk means but frankly I
> >have a hard time following the rules of the road in this operating
> >system sometimes.
> I can sympathise with that, but to me it sounds as if your predecessor 
> has left you with some serious problems:
> (a) an unmaintainable operating system which we can't help you with
> (b) a private, undocumented "Install" command which we can't help you with

I suspect he was simply running "install" (ginstall, from coreutils)
not understanding what it does.  That install does provide the error
message Steve reported.

  Michael D. Stenner                            mstenner at ece.arizona.edu
  ECE Department and Optical Sciences Center                520-626-1619
  University of Arizona                                         ECE 524G

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