[Yum] need help: installed FC5 kernel, now missing kernel-smp & grub...

Jim Perrin jperrin at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 13:03:42 UTC 2006

On 10/4/06, surabaja at gmail.com <surabaja at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am (still) running FC5 kernel-smp on a single-disk Fedora-only dual core system.
> I recently tried to install the non-smp kernel with yum (I wanted to try both version,
> selecting via grub at startup).
> Right after the update I took a look at /boot: apparently the original kernel
> files /boot/*smp AND the directory /boot/grub have disappeared...
> Could you please  suggest corrective actions before rebooting the system?
> Would "yum upgrade grub kernel-smp" fix the problem?

This is something you should be asking the fedora help channel I
believe. It doesn't appear to be a yum related issue.
Yum is simply the method to get the packages. Yum doesn't care if the
package you installed eats your shiny new puppy, so long as it's
installed properly has all the dependencies met.

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George Orwell

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