[Yum] Re: yum 2.6 weirdness

seth vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Wed May 10 05:12:05 UTC 2006

> Do you want me to file a bug? If so Red Hat or Duke's bugzilla??

file one at dukes - it sends me nagmails :) Thanks.

> Thanks for the quick response and workaround but AFAICS it is not quite
> the same. In my case I have variables that get set at login to different
> values depending on the machine hostname and OS it is running.
> The idea is to be able to use the same config files in yum for all of the
> machines on my net. I currently build 4 versions of yum (FC4, FC5, el3, el4)
> but use the same support scripts across all 4 versions.
> I do things like the following at login time which sets up an alias with the
> correct options:
> export releasever=`perl -ne 'm/.* release (\S+)/; print $1;' \
> 	< /etc/redhat-release`
> or
> export DIST=`perl -ane '$_ = $F[2]; s/release/FC/; s/Linux/RHL/; \
> 	s/Enterprise/RHEL/; print;' </etc/redhat-release`
> Is there a better way??

What are you trying to do with this alias for login? What does it buy
you? Why not just have the url you put in the config file be a cgi that
hands back the right thing based on the requesting machine? Or why not
just have the url be built up in your login script?


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