[Yum] yum won't update vmware

John Newbigin jnewbigin at ict.swin.edu.au
Mon Jun 26 02:16:34 UTC 2006

I am trying to use yum to update the VMware-server package on a CentOS-4 
box (yum-2.4.2-2.centos4).  I am getting the error:
[Errno -1] Package does not match checksum
Trying other mirror.

Error Downloading Packages:
   VMware-server - 1.0.0-27828.i386: failure: 
VMware-server-1.0.0-27828.i386.rpm from vmware: [Errno 256] No more 
mirrors to try.

I have verified that the downloaded file is correct, both with rpm -K 
and my md5sum

The file is quite large (~100Meg) but I don't see why that should be a 
problem.  Updating by hand with rpm works, but defeats the purpose of 
using yum.

I have tried recreating the headers with create-repo and have used yum 
clean all but nothing seems to help.

Any ideas?

John Newbigin
Computer Systems Officer
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia

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