[Yum] Installing from cache

seth vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Sun Feb 19 22:11:51 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-02-19 at 23:09 +0100, Igor Jagec wrote:
> # yum update -C
> Setting up Update Process
> Setting up repositories
> Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: updates-released
> Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: updates-released
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  -C     Tells  yum  to  run  entirely  from cache - does not download or
>         update any headers unless it has to  to  perform  the  requested
>         action.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It says that run Yum entirely from cache, but if I'm not connected
> online it still tries to find some repos (?). Is it possible to
> implement that feature which will not try to connect to the internet?
> For instance, when I want to upgrade some computer using dial-up or no
> net, that would be highly appreciated. Of course, presuming that I
> copied all the files to hard disc. Thanks. Cheers!

the connection it is trying to make is to download the mirrorlist.

That's why it is connecting at all. If you stop using mirrorlists then
-C should work as expected.


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