[Yum] Re: using yum offline

Greg Knaddison greg.knaddison at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 20:51:43 UTC 2005

On 11/21/05, Earl Eiland <eee at nmt.edu> wrote:
> I'm using yum on a RH9 box not connected to the Internet.  I've created
> my depository (createrepo) from the install CD's and edited yum.config
> to point to it.  Now when I run yum,  I get the error message [Error 5]
> OS Error: [Error2]: No such file or directory:
> '/repository/headers/header/info'  What step am I missing?

Can you post your yum.conf?  It seems like maybe it is wrong.

Also, what version of yum are you using?


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