[Yum] Redhat EL.3 AS box downgraded to ES after yum update

Troy Dawson dawson at fnal.gov
Wed Nov 16 17:50:20 UTC 2005

Jack Neely wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2005 at 02:09:27PM +0000, Tom Hodder wrote:
>>Quoting Greg Knaddison <greg.knaddison at gmail.com>:
>>I noticed that my redhat-release package has been upgraded to the wrong 
>>as well.
>>[root at sdat0007 boot]# cat /etc/redhat-release
>>Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon Update 6)
>>[root at sdat0007 boot]#
>>[root at sdat0007 boot]# rpm -qa |grep release
> Its the redhat-release package that is the only really important
> difference between the different flavors of RHEL.  The kernel is the
> same across all of the flavors.  Replace redhat-release with an AS
> version and your machine will magically revert to being an AS box.
> Jack

Ahh ... the fun things that a certain vendor with rose colored headgear 

redhat-release-3ES beats redhat-release-3AS
redhat-release-3WS beats redhat-release-3ES

Why?  just because E beats A, and W beats E, simple numeric order.

So, you're rather lucky you didn't have some WS machines you put in the 
yum repository or all your machines would have been further downgraded 
to WS.

Troy Dawson  dawson at fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group

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