[Yum] Re: Yum munging systems?

Chip Turner cturner at pattern.net
Fri May 27 13:51:55 UTC 2005

What a convenient way to continue a campaign of vagueness and not
actually try to solve any problems.  Funny, I see from mail archives
you not clamming up and stopping discussion when others use that kind
of language.

If you or anyone else can produce a verifiable or reproducible example
of yum actually damaging a system, I'll give you $100 USD or donate it
to your favorite charity.  Otherwise, stop waging a war of
misinformation and FUD.

If yum is so broken, it should be an easy hundred bucks to collect,


Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net> writes:

> I'm sorry Seth, your choice of language has crossed a barrier. I hope
> Karsten will still want to report on his broken alsa systems.
> On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 09:27:02AM -0400, seth vidal wrote:
>> If it sounds like I'm pissed, I am. I'm tired of this horse-shit
>> grab-ass of apt vs yum. If you want to use apt, more power to you, if
>> you want tell people that yum 'munges' systems then you damn well better
>> show me a bug report that backs it up. So far no one has shown me
>> anything. So continue recommending apt, feel free, but shut the fuck up
>> about yum munging things until you bring me a bug report.
> -- 
> Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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Chip Turner                   cturner at pattern.net

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