[Yum] how to get yum to use an additional comps file?

Paul Jakma paul at clubi.ie
Thu May 12 07:59:29 UTC 2005


I'm trying to setup a minimal FC4test install (a XenU image 
essentially). I've prepared a list of packages for a very minimal FC 
install - more minimal than the existing 'Base' group in 
standard FC4 repository comps.xml. I've generated my custom 
'minimal.xml' with this.

What I can't figure out is how to make yum use it?

>From what I can tell one way would be to create my own repository. 
However, I'd prefer not to have to do that.

What I really want is to be able to have yum use the full comps.xml 
for the existing Fedora repositories, and /also/ take my 
'minimal.xml' comps file, with its 'minimal' group definition and 
allow me to 'yum .... groupinstall minimal', and have yum use both my 
'minimal.xml' comps file for the group definitions and the comps.xml 
file from the repository, and whatever other repo-meta-data files 
there to figure out how to install just my 'minimal' group.

But how? I just can't make it work.

I tried copying my minimal.xml to 
/var/cache/yum/development/minimal.xml (where comps.xml lives), but 
no joy. I ran 'makecache' and it generated an other.xml.gz, but 
containing <changelog> attributes - not with my comps and group 

Any hints on how to achieve what i want? (ie ability to 'groupinstall 
<my group>')

Thanks in advance,
Paul Jakma	paul at clubi.ie	paul at jakma.org	Key ID: 64A2FF6A
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