[Yum] yum will not install all 60 rpms because 2 of them havearchitecture missmatch
Marat BN
maratbn at yahoo.com
Mon May 9 18:43:04 UTC 2005
Hi Matthew,
The system CPU is Transmeta Crusoe.
Running the command you mentioned "rpm -q --qf
'%{name} is %{arch}\n'
openssl glibc" produced a printout according to which
the packages currently
installed are i686. Do you think this is a problem
with Transmeta Crusoe?
As far as I know, this CPU emulates a Pentium Classic,
but thats' an i586,
not an i686
The system runs fine, but there is random slab
corruption when using BTTV in
DMA mode. I believe it is unlikely that the random
slab corruption is
caused by this package-architecture missmatch problem,
but I'd still like to
have all packages match the architecture.
It appears YUM is trying to upgrade glibc and openssl
packages with i686
versions because the versions already installed are
i686. So I decided to
obtain the i386 versions of these RPM packages from
ftp.redhat.com, install
them, and then re-run YUM which should now try to
upgrade solely with i386
versions. Do you think this is a good idea?
I ran into some problems trying to install i386
versions of the RPMs over
the i686 versions. I tried to install
openssl-0.9.7a-2.i386.rpm via
"rpm -ivh openssl-0.9.7a-2.i386.rpm", but got RPM
error messages stating
that the files being installed conflict with files in
the package already
installed. The versions are the same, just the
architectures different. Do
you think installing the "i386" versions over the
"i686" versions is a good
idea, and if so, how would you recommend I go about
it? Should I try
running rpm with the "--force" or "--replacepkgs" or
parameters? Right now I'm itching to try
"--replacepkgs", but would like to
first check if it's a good idea and will not break
Thank you for your time,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Miller" <mattdm at mattdm.org>
To: "Yellowdog Updater, Modified"
<yum at lists.dulug.duke.edu>
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2005 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Yum] yum will not install all 60 rpms
because 2 of them
havearchitecture missmatch
> On Fri, May 06, 2005 at 07:48:57PM -0700, Marat BN
>> Yum downloaded ~ 60 rpm packages for updating the
system, but it will not
>> install a single one of them because among these ~
60 are 2 packages
>> intended solely for the i686 architecture (I have
> What is your actual system? Almost all mainstream
computers that can even
> run RHL9 are i686.
>> These packages are:
>> openssl-0.9.7a-20.2.i686.rpm
>> glibc-2.3.2-27.9.7.i686.rpm
>> Yum will not install these 2 packages due to line
>> "exactarch=1" in the yum
>> configuration file "/etc/yum.conf"; however, yum is
> What architecture are your current packages? Run
> rpm -q --qf '%{name} is %{arch}\n' openssl glibc
> to find out. And for that matter, also:
> rpm -q --qf '%{name} is %{arch}\n' kernel
>> One way I was considering to solve this problem was
to simply change
>> "exactarch" from 1 to 0 and install the i686's, but
I'm concerned that
>> installing packages with an architecture missmatch
may result in a
>> mysterious crash later on, so I don't want to risk
> Depending on the answers to the above, this *may* be
okay. But if you
> really
> do have a pre-i686 CPU, then there would indeed be
>> I'd like to inqure if there is a way to configure
yum to still install
>> the
>> other 58, and/or to not download the 2 i686-related
packages, and/or
>> download their i386 equivalents instead. I just
checked on google, and
>> "openssl-0.9.7a-20.2.i386.rpm" and
"glibc-2.3.2-27.9.7.i386.rpm" do
>> exist.
> Well, that way should be "exactarch". It's a bit
weird. However, to skip
> those for now, try "--exclude=openssl
> --
> Matthew Miller mattdm at mattdm.org
> Boston University Linux ------>
> Current office temperature: 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
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