[Yum] Return Codes

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Sun Jan 30 21:42:55 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-01-30 at 18:57 +0100, Florian Keller wrote:
> Hello,
> First of all I want to say hello :-), Im new in this maillist. My Name 
> is Florian
> Keller from the little switzerland. Im working at the moment for the 
> diplom work in a
> higher technical school.
> One part of this work is to create some Repositories (updates, 
> websphere, cms, orcacle...).
> The Operation System that Im using is WhiteBox Linux. I saw they using 
> yum, so I rode a lot
> about yum and how to create a repository. And I think yum is a cool tool 
> ;-), so there is no reason at the moment to use any other update tool.
> But something that I still don't know, is there a list about error 
> codes? That would help me
> to automate yum.

what sort of error codes? Yum is an automation tool.

read the man page for yum - look for 'check-update'

I think you'll find that's what you're looking for and has the result
codes you want, there.


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