[Yum] Transaction Check Error: blah (which is newer than blah) is already istalled...

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Wed Jan 12 06:34:07 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-01-11 at 11:31 +0000, Cormac J. Gebruers wrote:
> After months of trouble free use, I seem to have got locked into a cycle 
> of instability with Yum since my first reported error a few weeks back. 
> That issue was successfully resolved, but here's the latest installment...
> Running Transaction Test
> Finished Transaction Test
> Transaction Check Error:   package glib2-2.4.8-1.fc2 (which is newer than 
> glib2-2.4.0-1) is already installed
>   file /usr/share/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/glib20.mo conflicts between 
> attempted installs of glib2-2.4.0-1 and glib2-2.6.0-1_10.rhfc2.at
>   file /usr/share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/glib20.mo conflicts between 
> attempted installs of glib2-2.4.0-1 and glib2-2.6.0-1_10.rhfc2.at
> and so on
> and so on
> and so on...

This on FC3?

I think I know what's up here and it's a bug I hope to have fixed in
2.1.13. It shows up in a number of places - especially where libs get
split up into multiple packages. It has to do with yum picking up the
old lib as a possible solver for the required dependency.


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