[Yum] Yet another "does the wrong thing on x86_64" problem

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Wed Jan 5 13:02:38 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 21:59 -0800, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
> [Filed as Bugzilla bug 380.]  This is a weird one.

1. 'yet another'? What was the first one?
2. You don't have to file the bug AND post about it - either one will

> I have a set of repos defined in /etc/yum.repos.d.  They are the usuals:
>         base		FC3 x86_64
>         base-i386	FC3 i386

why do you have both? you should only need the x86_64 one as the i386
packages needed for the x86_64 tree are copied over to the x86_64 tree
by the fedora developers.


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