[Yum] python 2.2 plus 2.3 on RedHat

Rick Graves gravesricharde at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 30 01:09:29 UTC 2004


> 2) Would it be possible to install python 2.3, and
> keep python 2.2 for packages with hard-coded paths?

For point of information, I discovered that it is

I decided to try it first on a test system. When I got
to the rpm download page at www.python.org,
I found an FAQ exactly on point:

begin quote

Q) Is it safe to install these RPMs on a Red Hat
system? Will they over-write the system python and
cause problems with other Red Hat applications that
expect a different version of Python?

A) The RPMs that start with "python2.3" are built to
not interfere with the system Python. They install as
"/usr/bin/python2.3" and will not conflict with the
system Python unless you are running on a system that
ships the a version of Python which has the same
major/minor number.

To invoke the interpreter with these packages, you
will explicitly have to run "python2.3". Note that all
Python RPMs provided by Python.org and Red Hat provide
a "/usr/bin/python2.3" (or similar, with major/minor
number), even if they also provide "/usr/bin/python".
So, yes, it should be safe. 

end quote


This must have come up before, and Guido has already
worked out the details.  


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