July 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jul 1 06:02:29 UTC 2004
Ending: Sat Jul 31 15:16:08 UTC 2004
Messages: 225
- [Yum] Q: update except selected packages
Rubin Aliev
- [Yum] sticky repositories
Florin Andrei
- [Yum] sticky repositories
Florin Andrei
- [Yum] sticky repositories
Florin Andrei
- [Yum] sticky repositories
Florin Andrei
- [Yum] Yum ignoring http_proxy system variable
Jolyon Ansuz
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh , etc
Jolyon Ansuz
- [Yum] conflicts
Satish Balay
- [Yum] conflicts
Satish Balay
- [Yum] Something like apt-cdrom
Agustin Barto
- [Yum] VDQ : Can yum accommodate Opera?
- [Yum] Re: A yum GUI exists: yumi
- [Yum] interested in helping out with yum
Thomas Bennett
- [Yum] yum update::error,warning,... messages
Thomas Bennett
- [Yum] I installed YUM but can't find it!!!
Thomas Bennett
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Thomas Bennett
- [Yum] Mixed up repository
Marc Benstein
- [Yum] releasever "Null" for RHWS3
John Borwick
- [Yum] Repositories
Tom Browder
- [Yum] Repositories
Tom Browder
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Ian Burrell
- [Yum] sticky repositories
Bogdan Costescu
- [Yum] Yum on Solaris
Andrew Culver
- [Yum] Its just a little slow
Andrew Culver
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Lars Damerow
- [Yum] Adding Wget to Yum for Package Downloads
Paul Dickson
- [Yum] Adding Wget to Yum for Package Downloads
Paul Dickson
- [Yum] Re: yum not installing most recent kernel
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Re: yum not installing most recent kernel
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Re: about yum
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Yum updates
Dayne Ellanna
- [Yum] (no subject)
Dayne Ellanna
- [Yum] Please could you help me?
Emiliano Escudero
- [Yum] Message Recieved By Brad Evans
Brad Evans
- [Yum] yum update::error,warning,... messages
Michael Favia
- [Yum] Feature request(s)
Michael Favia
- [Yum] yum update::error,warning,... messages
Michael Favia
- [Yum] new logo
Michael Favia
- [Yum] yum not installing most recent kernel
Brian Ferguson
- [Yum] yum not installing most recent kernel
Brian Ferguson
- [Yum] yum not installing most recent kernel
Brian Ferguson
- [Yum] Yum building fun
Brian Ferguson
- [Yum] Yum building fun
Brian Ferguson
- [Yum] Yum building fun
Brian Ferguson
- [Yum] yum not installing most recent kernel
Brian Ferguson
- [Yum] yum not installing most recent kernel
Brian Ferguson
- [Yum] a yum question
Juan Fernandez
- [Yum] I ran Yum like so.
Chris Geddings
- [Yum] yum ia64 patch
Trond Eivind Glomsrød
- [Yum] suggestion for package policy option
Rick Graves
- [Yum] conflict
Peter Halliday
- [Yum] deleting mysql
Peter Halliday
- [Yum] FC1 upgrade from rh8, 2.6.7 kernels
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] FC1 upgrade from rh8, 2.6.7 kernels
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] FC1 upgrade from rh8, 2.6.7 kernels
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] FC1 upgrade from rh8, 2.6.7 kernels
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] yum update::error,warning,... messages
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] I installed YUM but can't find it!!!
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] Re: Yum error
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] Re: Yum error
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] yum/synaptic/up2date all broken after FC2 upgrade.
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] Upgraded to FC2 last night, now yum fails
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] new logo
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] Please could you help me?
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] Please could you help me?
Gene Heskett
- [Yum] yum update::error,warning,... messages
Dan Hollis
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh
Jason L Tibbitts III
- [Yum] current CVS HEAD state
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [Yum] I installed YUM but can't find it!!!
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [Yum] First minor patch concerning symlinks
Hans-Peter Jansen
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Michael Jennings
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Michael Jennings
- [Yum] fc2 ppp - was (no subject)
Troy Johnson
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Troy Johnson
- [Yum] Odd update problem
Matt Lawrence
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh
Lawrence, Steve
- [Yum] new logo
Lawrence, Steve
- [Yum] Yum for Redhat Linux Enterprise
Lawrence, Steve
- [Yum] new logo
Lawrence, Steve
- [Yum] Approved Architecture.
Lawrence, Steve
- [Yum] Approved Architecture.
Lawrence, Steve
- wish-list again was Re: [Yum] sticky repositories
Farkas Levente
- [Yum] Feature request(s)
David Lilly
- [Yum] Its just a little slow
Nigel Metheringham
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Nigel Metheringham
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Nigel Metheringham
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Nigel Metheringham
- [Yum] Repositories
Jürgen Möllenhoff
- [Yum] [daniel at unity.ncsu.edu: Patch to add baseos and basever variables]
Jack Neely
- [Yum] installing yum...
Sean O'Connell
- [Yum] new logo
Paul Oehler
- [Yum] kernel update
Dirk Ouellette
- [Yum] Upgrade to 2.6 kernel
Dirk Ouellette
- [Yum] sticky repositories
Javier Perez
- [Yum] What means: Not an install only pkg, adding to ts
Enrique Perez-Terron
- [Yum] Yum ends prematurely in first run, succeeds in second run
Enrique Perez-Terron
- [Yum] I installed YUM but can't find it!!!
Enrique Perez-Terron
- [Yum] about yum
Enrique Perez-Terron
- [Yum] Please could you help me?
Enrique Perez-Terron
- [Yum] Please could you help me?
Enrique Perez-Terron
- [Yum] Approved Architecture.
Enrique Perez-Terron
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Jim Perrin
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Jim Perrin
- [Yum] How to force Yum ?
Jim Perrin
- [Yum] sticky repositories
Michael Peterson
- [Yum] mailing list website down
Paul Pianta
- [Yum] mailing list website down
Paul Pianta
- [Yum] mailing list website down
Paul Pianta
- [Yum] Yum for Redhat Linux Enterprise
Paul Pianta
- [Yum] a yum question
Paul Pianta
- [Yum] Re: A yum GUI exists: yumi
Powell, James F CONT
- [Yum] Q: update except selected packages
Sean Reifschneider
- [Yum] conflicts
David Rigler
- [Yum] Seg Faulting...
Konstantin Ryabitsev
- [Yum] current CVS HEAD state
Konstantin Ryabitsev
- [Yum] Yum building fun
Konstantin Ryabitsev
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Konstantin Ryabitsev
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Konstantin Ryabitsev
- [Yum] new logo
Konstantin Ryabitsev
- [Yum] Upgrade to 2.6 kernel
Konstantin Ryabitsev
- [Yum] First minor patch concerning symlinks
Matthias Saou
- [Yum] yum groupupdate requires
Andrew Schretter
- [Yum] I installed YUM but can't find it!!!
Jerry Schromm
- [Yum] I ran Yum like so.
Jerry Schromm
- [Yum] yum not installing most recent kernel
Emmanuel Seyman
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh
Jeff Sheltren
- [Yum] new logo
Jeff Sheltren
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Eric V. Smith
- [Yum] I installed YUM but can't find it!!!
Alan Sparks
- [Yum] Yum updates
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] (no subject)
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] Re: A yum GUI exists: yumi
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] I installed YUM but can't find it!!!
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] confusion with installing 3rd party kernel modules
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] confusion with installing 3rd party kernel modules
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] confusion with installing 3rd party kernel modules
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] confusion with installing 3rd party kernel modules
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] confusion with installing 3rd party kernel modules
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] VDQ : Can yum accommodate Opera?
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] Yum updates
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] FC1 upgrade from rh8, 2.6.7 kernels
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] FC1 upgrade from rh8, 2.6.7 kernels
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] FC1 upgrade from rh8, 2.6.7 kernels
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] FC1 upgrade from rh8, 2.6.7 kernels
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] Feature request(s)
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] Re: Yum error
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
Michael Stenner
- [Yum] yum over sneakernet
Jack Tanner
- [Yum] Seg Faulting...
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] Re: kernel-source arch
Axel Thimm
- [Yum] sticky repositories
Daniel Veillard
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh
Jos Vos
- [Yum] (no subject)
McKinley Williams
- [Yum] installing yum...
- [Yum] using yum to install a package/rpm on my system...
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
- [Yum] a yum question
- [Yum] Yum ignoring http_proxy system variable
lists at dedicated-web.net
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
lists at dedicated-web.net
- [Yum] Yum does not work in -C mode?
m. allan noah
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
m. allan noah
- [Yum] yum over sneakernet
m. allan noah
- [Yum] yum version for solaris
javier at rediris.es
- [Yum] Yum on Solaris
javier at rediris.es
- [Yum] Yum for Redhat Linux Enterprise
- [Yum] How to force Yum ?
- [Yum] How to force Yum ?
- [Yum] interested in helping out with yum
mark_yum at tcu-inc.com
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh, etc
mark_yum at tcu-inc.com
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh
mark_yum at tcu-inc.com
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh, etc
mark_yum at tcu-inc.com
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh
mark_yum at tcu-inc.com
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh
mark_yum at tcu-inc.com
- [Yum] Re: kernel-source arch
seth vidal
- [Yum] mailing list website down
seth vidal
- [Yum] sticky repositories
seth vidal
- [Yum] sticky repositories
seth vidal
- [Yum] sticky repositories
seth vidal
- [Yum] sticky repositories
seth vidal
- [Yum] releasever "Null" for RHWS3
seth vidal
- [Yum] (no subject)
seth vidal
- [Yum] conflict
seth vidal
- [Yum] interested in helping out with yum
seth vidal
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh, etc
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum ends prematurely in first run, succeeds in second run
seth vidal
- [Yum] need a good comparison between yum and rh, current, nrh
seth vidal
- [Yum] Its just a little slow
seth vidal
- [Yum] Its just a little slow
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum not installing most recent kernel
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum not installing most recent kernel
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum groupupdate requires
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum update::error,warning,... messages
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum update::error,warning,... messages
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum ia64 patch
seth vidal
- [Yum] current CVS HEAD state
seth vidal
- [Yum] using yum to install a package/rpm on my system...
seth vidal
- [Yum] First minor patch concerning symlinks
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum not installing most recent kernel
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum not installing most recent kernel
seth vidal
- [Yum] deleting mysql
seth vidal
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
seth vidal
- [Yum] Upgraded to FC2 last night, now yum fails
seth vidal
- [Yum] hmmm my yum ate my computer.
seth vidal
- [Yum] new logo
seth vidal
- [Yum] kernel update
seth vidal
- [Yum] confusion with installing 3rd party kernel modules
seth vidal
- [Yum] Adding Wget to Yum for Package Downloads
seth vidal
- [Yum] confusion with installing 3rd party kernel modules
seth vidal
- [Yum] confusion with installing 3rd party kernel modules
seth vidal
- [Yum] new logo
seth vidal
- [Yum] Approved Architecture.
seth vidal
- [Yum] How to force Yum ?
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum update::error,warning,... messages
Ali Korhan Üstüner
- [Yum] about yum
Last message date:
Sat Jul 31 15:16:08 UTC 2004
Archived on: Thu Sep 25 21:38:24 UTC 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).