January 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 1 14:57:51 UTC 2004
Ending: Fri Jan 30 18:10:57 UTC 2004
Messages: 271
- [Yum] ValueError: unpack list of wrong size - Is this a bug?
Antti A
- [Yum] How can I configure Yum to look for RedHat 7.3 updates from Fedora?
Peter M. Abraham
- [Yum] How can I configure Yum to look for RedHat 7.3 updatesfrom Fedora?
Peter M. Abraham
- [Yum] How can I configure Yum to look for RedHat 7.3 updatesfrom Fedora?
Peter M. Abraham
- [Yum] gpg keys
Peter M. Abraham
- [Yum] gpgcheck fails but rpm -K passes
Peter M. Abraham
- [Yum] Suggestion for enhancement: choose repository for update
Chris Adams
- [Yum] Re: update or upgrade?
Satish Balay
- [Yum] Yum large files, Getright and server busy ... busy ... busy ...
Colin Beckingham
- [Yum] Security tracker
Jan van den Berg
- [Yum] YUM repository for Mandrake cooker?
Nicholas Brown
- [Yum] Re: [Cooker] YUM repository for Mandrake cooker?
Nicholas Brown
- [Yum] Re: [Cooker] YUM repository for Mandrake cooker?
Nicholas Brown
- [Yum] YFRQ ...
Robert G. Brown
- [Yum] YFRQ ...
Robert G. Brown
- [Yum] update or upgrade?
Robert G. Brown
- [Yum] Re: update or upgrade?
Robert G. Brown
- [Yum] gpgcheck fails but rpm -K passes
Robin Bryce
- [Yum] gpgcheck fails but rpm -K passes
Robin Bryce
- [Yum] Download unstable?
Ian Burrell
- [Yum] Re: 1 small yum poblem on exec
Piero Calucci
- [Yum]yum does not find an installed perl module (thread)
Celsa Cañedo
- [Yum] What is the difference between the following options : updates, available and extras
Harish Chauhan
- [Yum] How yum maintains groups of machines ?
Harish Chauhan
- [Yum] command line server selection
Harish Chauhan
- [Yum] yum dep resolution-offer of help
Raphael Clifford
- [Yum] Repositories
Raphael Clifford
- [Yum] yum error messages
Raphael Clifford
- [Yum] [Fwd: Re: [WEB] yum repositories]
Raphael Clifford
- [Yum] catching kill signal
Raphael Clifford
- [Yum] catching kill signal
Raphael Clifford
- [Yum] Re: [Cooker] YUM repository for Mandrake cooker?
Guillaume Cottenceau
- [Yum] Re: [Cooker] YUM repository for Mandrake cooker?
Guillaume Cottenceau
- [Yum] yumgroups.xml?
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Re: yumgroups.xml?
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Re: yumgroups.xml?
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Re: yumgroups.xml?
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Re: yumgroups.xml?
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Re: changelog
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] Re: update or upgrade?
Tom Diehl
- [Yum] ValueError: unpack list of wrong size - Is this a bug?
Carwyn Edwards
- [Yum] Unhelpful error message.
- [Yum] yum mis-behaving
- [Yum] yum mis-behaving
- [Yum] [wishlist] - Developer-centric features
- [Yum] stupid feature request?
Matthew Geier
- [Yum] Re: Yum Digest, Vol 6, Issue 5
David Golden
- [Yum] Re: Yum Digest, Vol 6, Issue 6
David Golden
- [Yum] Re: Yum Digest, Vol 6, Issue 6
David Golden
- [Yum] Difference between YUM and APT
- [Yum] Difference between YUM and APT
- [Yum] Creating yum repository on Debian
Brian Hatch
- [Yum] a few things to always report
Hedemark, Magnus
- [Yum] a few things to always report
Hedemark, Magnus
- [Yum] Yum cron defaults
Hedemark, Magnus
- [Yum] Yum cron defaults
Hedemark, Magnus
- [Yum] stupid feature request?
Hedemark, Magnus
- [Yum] Upgrading Gnome with Yum?
Hedemark, Magnus
- [Yum] yum 2.0.X daily release
Hedemark, Magnus
- [Yum] Re: yum] Yum cron defaults
R P Herrold
- [Yum] Update strategy, header extraction
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] Update strategy, header extraction
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] Update strategy, header extraction
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] config file comments
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] New repository
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] update or upgrade?
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] update or upgrade?
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] Download unstable?
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] Download unstable?
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] corrupted downloads
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] Download unstable?
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] Download unstable?
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] Download unstable?
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] Download unstable?
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] Download unstable?
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] Download unstable?
Karsten Jeppesen
- [Yum] No Updates???
David Johnson
- [Yum] a quieter 'yum-arch -q'
Troy Johnson
- [Yum] yum client error (proxy problem?)
Kraszewski, Marcin
- [Yum] yum client error (proxy problem?)
Kraszewski, Marcin
- [Yum] Excluding packages
Paul Lankow
- [Yum] Excluding packages
Paul Lankow
- [Yum] Security-only updates
Paul Lankow
- [Yum] Repositories
Paul Lankow
- [Yum] Repositories
Paul Lankow
- [Yum] Repositories
Paul Lankow
- [Yum] update or upgrade?
Paul Lankow
- [Yum] Prevent YUM from installing kernel as dependency?
Mihai T. Lazarescu
- [Yum] Prevent YUM from installing kernel as dependency?
Mihai T. Lazarescu
- [Yum] Re: Prevent YUM from installing kernel as dependency?
Mihai T. Lazarescu
- [Yum] yum and redhat-config-printer
Mihai T. Lazarescu
- [Yum] package specific scripts
Farkas Levente
- [Yum] Yum Dependencies
- [Yum] Re: Yum Digest, Vol 6, Issue 6
Tony Mountifield
- [Yum] Re: update or upgrade?
Tony Mountifield
- [Yum] Re: update or upgrade?
Tony Mountifield
- [Yum] Wish for the update/upgrade command
Jürgen Möllenhoff
- [Yum] ValueError: unpack list of wrong size - Is this a bug?
Jürgen Möllenhoff
- [Yum] yum and kickstart
Jack Neely
- [Yum] How can I configure Yum to look for RedHat 7.3 updatesfrom Fedora?
Nielsen, Steve
- [Yum] Yum Dependencies
Sean O'Connell
- [Yum] Still can't upgrade
Dirk Ouellette
- [Yum] Yum Dependencies
Ludgero Parreira
- [Yum] Help Error .package rpm2html needs librpm-4.1.so (not provided)
Javier Perez
- [Yum] Creating yum repository on Debian
Jim Perrin
- [Yum] Yum cron defaults
Josko Plazonic
- [Yum] Yum cron defaults
Josko Plazonic
- [Yum] Yum cron defaults
Josko Plazonic
- [Yum] Re: yum] Yum cron defaults
Josko Plazonic
- [Yum] Yum cron defaults
Josko Plazonic
- [Yum] Yum cron defaults
Josko Plazonic
- [Yum] Yum epylog syslog processing
Josko Plazonic
- [Yum] rpm-4.1.1 (needed for yum) install on RedHat 8
Alvaro Prudente
- [Yum] Re: rpm-4.1.1 (needed for yum) install on RedHat 8 (Thank you)
Alvaro Prudente
- [Yum] changelog
Joe Radinger
- [Yum] Re: changelog
Joe Radinger
- [Yum] CleanPackages ...
Joe Radinger
- [Yum] retrygrab() failed ...
David Relson
- [Yum] retrygrab() failed ...
David Relson
- [Yum] retrygrab() failed ...
David Relson
- [Yum] daily snapshot [was: retrygrab() failed ...]
David Relson
- [Yum] keepalive=0 [was: retrygrab() failed ...]
David Relson
- [Yum] daily snapshot [was: retrygrab() failed ...]
David Relson
- [Yum] keepalive=0 [was: retrygrab() failed ...]
David Relson
- [Yum] keepalive=0 [was: retrygrab() failed ...]
David Relson
- [Yum] something amiss??
David Relson
- [Yum] Upgrading Gnome with Yum?
David Relson
- [Yum] Re: [Cooker] YUM repository for Mandrake cooker?
David Relson
- [Yum] Re: [Cooker] YUM repository for Mandrake cooker?
David Relson
- [Yum] Upgrade RH7 to RH9
David Relson
- [Yum] yum dep resolution-offer of help
David Relson
- [Yum] Yum epylog syslog processing
Konstantin Riabitsev
- [Yum] stupid feature request?
Chris Ricker
- [Yum] stupid feature request?
Chris Ricker
- [Yum] stupid feature request?
Chris Ricker
- [Yum] yum list
David Rigler
- [Yum] yum list
David Rigler
- [Yum] new daily
Matthias Saou
- [Yum] Python error on upgrade from FC1 to FC2 devel
Matthias Saou
- [Yum] Upgrade RH7 to RH9
Val Schmidt
- [Yum] rpm-4.1.1 (needed for yum) install on RedHat 8
Emmanuel Seyman
- [Yum] yum and kickstart
Seymour, Paul
- [Yum] yum and kickstart
Seymour, Paul
- [Yum] yum and kickstart
Seymour, Paul
- [Yum] How yum maintains groups of machines ?
Jeff Sheltren
- [Yum] Creating yum repository on Debian
Jeff Sheltren
- [Yum] yumgroups.xml?
Jeff Sheltren
- [Yum] install---not
Jeff Sheltren
- [Yum] How can I configure Yum to look for RedHat 7.3 updates from Fedora?
Jeff Sheltren
- [Yum] Excluding packages
Jeff Sheltren
- [Yum] Re: update or upgrade?
Jeff Sheltren
- [Yum] I think I found a glitch in yum
Ralph Shumaker
- [Yum] Download unstable?
Eric V. Smith
- [Yum] Yum cron defaults
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] package specific scripts
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] retrygrab() failed ...
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] Re: [Cooker] YUM repository for Mandrake cooker?
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] Update strategy, header extraction
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] Excluding packages
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] Re: update or upgrade?
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] Re: update or upgrade?
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] redirecting stdin causes traceback
Garrick Staples
- [Yum] Re: update or upgrade?
Joseph Tate
- [Yum] YFRQ ...
C.Lee Taylor
- [Yum] CleanPackages ...
C.Lee Taylor
- [Yum] YFRQ ...
C.Lee Taylor
- [Yum] Clean OldPackages ...
C.Lee Taylor
- [Yum] Re: Clean OldPackages ...
C.Lee Taylor
- [Yum] Re: What is the difference between the following options : updates, available and extras
Axel Thimm
- [Yum] Re: What is the difference between the following options : updates, available and extras
Axel Thimm
- [Yum] Re: What is the difference between the following options : updates, available and extras
Axel Thimm
- [Yum] Re: rpm-4.1.1 (needed for yum) install on RedHat 8
Axel Thimm
- [Yum] Re: Prevent YUM from installing kernel as dependency?
Axel Thimm
- [Yum] exceptions for yum update
Jochen Witte
- [Yum] Upgrading Gnome with Yum?
Lucas Young
- [Yum] gpgcheck fails but rpm -K passes
robin bryce
- [Yum] gpgcheck fails but rpm -K passes
robin bryce
- [Yum] openssl update problem
mw at csi.hu
- [Yum] openssl update problem
mw at csi.hu
- [Yum] install---not
mw at csi.hu
- FIXED: Re: [Yum] Yum (or rpm) no workie with kernel-2.6?
nathan r. hruby
- [Yum] Re: 1 small yum poblem on exec
william mcinnis
- [Yum] Re: 1 small yum poblem on exec
william mcinnis
- [Yum] Re: 1 small yum poblem on exec
william mcinnis
- [Yum] Re: 1 small yum poblem on exec
william mcinnis
- [Yum] Re: 1 small yum poblem on exec
william mcinnis
- [Yum] Creating yum repository on Debian
javier at rediris.es
- [Yum] Patch for yum
javier at rediris.es
- [Yum] minor bug + correction
javier at rediris.es
- [Yum] minor bug + correction
javier at rediris.es
- [Yum] Patch for yum
javier at rediris.es
- [Yum] Bleeding and Unstable Definitions
- [Yum] yum and redhat-config-printer
- [Yum] Yum on RH 7.1 : How must I alter /etc/yum.conf
turner at uvs.is
- [Yum] yum list
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum list
seth vidal
- [Yum] a few things to always report
seth vidal
- [Yum] proposed updates to yum docs/man page?
seth vidal
- [Yum] No Updates???
seth vidal
- [Yum] new daily
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum cron defaults
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum cron defaults
seth vidal
- [Yum] What is the difference between the following options : updates, available and extras
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: What is the difference between the following options : updates, available and extras
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: Yum Digest, Vol 6, Issue 5
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: What is the difference between the following options : updates, available and extras
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: Yum Digest, Vol 6, Issue 6
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum cron defaults
seth vidal
- [Yum] new daily
seth vidal
- [Yum] Bleeding and Unstable Definitions
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: Yum Digest, Vol 6, Issue 6
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: Yum Digest, Vol 6, Issue 6
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum client error (proxy problem?)
seth vidal
- [Yum] stupid feature request?
seth vidal
- [Yum] stupid feature request?
seth vidal
- [Yum] retrygrab() failed ...
seth vidal
- [Yum] stupid feature request?
seth vidal
- [Yum] retrygrab() failed ...
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum client error (proxy problem?)
seth vidal
- [Yum] daily snapshot [was: retrygrab() failed ...]
seth vidal
- [Yum] keepalive=0 [was: retrygrab() failed ...]
seth vidal
- [Yum] keepalive=0 [was: retrygrab() failed ...]
seth vidal
- [Yum] Difference between YUM and APT
seth vidal
- [Yum] Prevent YUM from installing kernel as dependency?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: yumgroups.xml?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Yum large files, Getright and server busy ... busy ... busy ...
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: yumgroups.xml?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Security tracker
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum and kickstart
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: yumgroups.xml?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Update strategy, header extraction
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: changelog
seth vidal
- [Yum] Update strategy, header extraction
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: changelog
seth vidal
- [Yum] openssl update problem
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum dep resolution-offer of help
seth vidal
- [Yum] Unhelpful error message.
seth vidal
- [Yum] minor bug + correction
seth vidal
- [Yum] config file comments
seth vidal
- [Yum] Help Error .package rpm2html needs librpm-4.1.so (not provided)
seth vidal
- [Yum] Patch for yum
seth vidal
- [Yum] Excluding packages
seth vidal
- [Yum] CleanPackages ...
seth vidal
- [Yum] Python error on upgrade from FC1 to FC2 devel
seth vidal
- [Yum] Security-only updates
seth vidal
- [Yum] exceptions for yum update
seth vidal
- [Yum] Repositories
seth vidal
- [Yum] Repositories
seth vidal
- [Yum] update or upgrade?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Python error on upgrade from FC1 to FC2 devel
seth vidal
- [Yum] Clean OldPackages ...
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: update or upgrade?
seth vidal
- [Yum] yum mis-behaving
seth vidal
- [Yum] gpgcheck fails but rpm -K passes
seth vidal
- [Yum] gpgcheck fails but rpm -K passes
seth vidal
- [Yum] catching kill signal
seth vidal
- [Yum] Download unstable?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Download unstable?
seth vidal
- [Yum] corrupted downloads
seth vidal
- [Yum] Download unstable?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Download unstable?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Download unstable?
seth vidal
- [Yum] Download unstable?
seth vidal
- [Yum] I think I found a glitch in yum
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: 1 small yum poblem on exec
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: 1 small yum poblem on exec
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: 1 small yum poblem on exec
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: 1 small yum poblem on exec
seth vidal
- [Yum] Re: 1 small yum poblem on exec
seth vidal
- [Yum] ValueError: unpack list of wrong size - Is this a bug?
seth vidal
- [Yum] ValueError: unpack list of wrong size - Is this a bug?
seth vidal
Last message date:
Fri Jan 30 18:10:57 UTC 2004
Archived on: Thu Sep 25 21:38:17 UTC 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).