[Yum] how to deal with yum

Rakotomandimby (R12y) Mihamina mihamina at mail.rktmb.org
Fri Dec 31 20:05:34 UTC 2004


I want to learn dealing with yum.

- I'm waiting for a brand new dedicated server and Fedora Core2 will be
installed on it (I wont have physical acces to it, I wont install Fedora
on it)

- I dont understand the stable/testing/unstable system:
 * is the stable/testing/unstable tag for the packages or for the whole

- is 'yum update' the equivalent of 'apt-get dist-upgrade' or 'apt-get
upgrade' ? I want to know the step by step way to move from  FC2 to FC3
when FC3 will be known as ready for servers. I already posted that
question on the Fedora list but they told the yum way of upgrade is NOT

Thank you for your help:

PS: what's the difference with the Fedora legacy and fedora.us? Are they
fighting? Are they working together? what's the deal?
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