[Yum] Trouble resolving a conflict during Yum update

Chris Pine cpine at wrsystems.com
Thu Dec 30 12:25:12 UTC 2004

Hello all,
	I am having a problem trying to find information about how one would
go about resolving conflicts between packages on a RH9 workstation.  When I
get down to the end of the update attempt I get this...

Resolving dependencies
.conflict between xmms and arts
conflict between ispell and aspell

I really have no idea what to do.  I have been all over the web but can't
seem to find any reference to resovling conflicts.  I have never forced an
rpm install nor have I had any previous failures with yum.

Please help, and thank you,

Chris Pine
Senior CDU Technician
WR Systems
cpine at wrsystems.com

(757) 858-6000 x652 office 
(757) 636-2926 cellular 

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