[Yum] Re: x86_64 and yum 2.1.12 (tries to install both architectures i386 and x86_64)
Axel Thimm
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
Tue Dec 7 15:24:37 UTC 2004
On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 05:51:35PM +0100, Jürgen Möllenhoff wrote:
> seth vidal wrote:
> >and how does the work for removals?
> >should yum remove foo only remove foo.x86_64?
> Yes, if x86_64 is the preferred architecture.
> >or should it match foo.i386, too?
> With x86_64 as preferred architecture, no.
IMHO, it should.
Desired behaviour:
o yum install foo
for all arch in archs: if foo.arch already installed, upgrade foo.arch
if foo.bestarch not installed: Install foo.bestarch
I.e. default to only native packages, but upgrade compatibility
packages is such had been installed.
o yum remove foo
Unconditionally remove all foo.arch (like it is now)
In order to remove only for a specific arch, use yum remove
foo.arch. In order to install for all archs use yum --comparchtoo
install foo. comparchtoo could be a switch in yum.config.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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