[Yum] x86_64 and yum 2.1.12 (tries to install both architectures i386 and x86_64)

Jürgen Möllenhoff jm at tp1.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Sat Dec 4 16:51:35 UTC 2004


seth vidal wrote:

> and how does the work for removals?
> should yum remove foo only remove foo.x86_64?

Yes, if x86_64 is the preferred architecture.

> or should it match foo.i386, too?

With x86_64 as preferred architecture, no.

> yes it sorts these out.

That's nice.

> it has that option - just specify the arch you want.

That's what I did but it's only a command line option.

> download the boost rpms that caused this problem and run:
> rpm -Uvh that.rpm
> and see if it doesn't remove the boost.x86_64, too.

I can't, I installed today Suse on that particular system and there I 
don't use yum but I'm quite sure that it works now :).



PS.: I read your Blog and your thoughts about the future of FC4 and hope 
that a few of this thoughts make it into FC4/5 :).

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