[Yum] more specific question about updating

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Sat Oct 25 15:10:47 UTC 2003

On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 07:22, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>   to be far more specific regarding my previous post, if i have no current
> "xine" rpm installed, what should happen if i type
> # yum update xine
>   as it stands now, nothing gets updated (good), but yum takes several
> seconds to download/update header information. why?  one would think that
> yum should immediately realize that i can't update xine since it's not on
> my system.  that response should be immediate, and shouldn't require
> downloading or updating any header info, no?

one would think that, and yet, one would be wrong.
it is making sure it's database is completely up to date. That's what
the header downloading is all about. run yum with -C to turn on using a
cache. It won't ALWAYS use the cache if it can't do otherwise, but it
will try.

also part of the 'downloading headers' is figuring out what is on the
system versus what is elsewhere.


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