[Yum] Apache2 updates via yum?

Brad Cox bcox at virtualschool.edu
Fri Oct 24 14:24:51 UTC 2003

Not strictly yum-related, just tangentially so. Mainly to make you 
aware of a big problem yum repositories haven't addressed in the hope 
that some kind yum repository maintainer on this list will take 

Apache2 uses sendfile (kernel feature) unless SendFileEnabled is 
turned off in httpd.conf. Works fine on Linux 8.0 (my dev box), but 
not on the NVFS (sp?) filesystem of by my 8.0 deployment box. The 
catch22 starts there.

The httpd that was installed by default doesn't run because sendfile 
support was compiled in, but doesn't support the SendFileEnabled 
option in httpd.conf to turn it off. Yum can't help because later 
versions aren't in the repositories, just the version mentioned 
above. And the version that is available has security notices posted 
against it; haven't investigated that further.

I found a later httpd2 rpm (by Henry Gomez) and installed that, and 
am proceeding from there (unsuccessfully so far: weird connection 
refused failures even from telnet localhost 80; any ideas??).

Bottom line: could some yum maintainer please install a recent httpd2? Thanks!

If there's a better list for this, pls advise!
Brad J. Cox, PhD, 703 361 4751, http://virtualschool.edu

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