[Yum] Re: Survey of Use

Robert G. Brown rgb at phy.duke.edu
Thu Oct 23 14:01:14 UTC 2003

On Thu, 23 Oct 2003, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

> (as an analogy, if someone knew nothing about, say, DNS, it seems natural
> to first explain how it works at the client level, *then* go on to server
> configuration.  my point is simply that, to make yum accessible, complete
> newbies *need* to be told how to start using it.  once they're
> comfortable, they can make the decision as to whether they want to go
> further and create their own repositories.)

It's a good analogy.  Nobody non-unix-expert can use DNS as a user
unless their system is preconfigured to use it by an expert, and then
nobody even knows that their system is using it.  DNS documentation thus
focuses almost entirely on setting up DNS at the administrative level in
ALL books and references, or using programming interface tools (e.g.
gethostbyname()) that are quite complicated in and of themselves and
that presuppose nameservice is already configured to automagically work.
Even client tools like "host" or "dig" or "nslookup" (deprecated) are
unknown to nearly all users, who know of nameservice at all only by its

Yum even as a client tool is nearly all privileged; you can break the
hell out of your system without really trying, there are significant
security considerations (you are what you eat, so to speak, and your
system is thus no more secure than your public repository), and unlike
nameservice there IS no central authority, central/public repository or
repository redirection system that balances load, or manages things like
host authentication of the repositories selected.  

For all of these reasons, yum as a purely userspace, plug-n-play client
tool in the hands or Unix novices scares the hell out of me (and, I
suspect, Seth and Michael).  It just isn't there yet, not by a long
shot.  To complete the metaphor, nameservice only "works" for novice
users because of e.g. DHCP.  At this point an entire public
infrastructure would need to exist, along with tools LIKE dhcp (some
sort of "repository server") for yum to really be ready for userspace
prime time unsupported by a systems admin and a local repository, where
a novice user could just install yum from a generic distribution rpm
(unmodified by any local sysadmin) on their system and have it "just
work" from a chain of perfectly revision-matched public repositories.

Sure this works NOW, for a handful of independent users and due to some
generosity on the part of some repository maintainers, but it won't work
in the indefinite future because the current model does not scale to
infinity and beyond.  Nameservice (which serves our far less data, per
call) wouldn't work if every lookup had to go back to one centralized

> just FYI, i'm putting together a yum intro that will become part of a RH
> admin courseware manual, and one of the first things i'm going to do is
> explain the files/directories that come with yum.  IMHO, there's nothing
> that sets the stage better than making sure someone understands all the
> parts of a package and what they're for, as in:
>   /usr/bin/
> 	yum
> 	yum-arch
>   /var/cache/yum/
>   /etc/yum.conf
>   /etc/init.d/yum
>   /etc/logrotate.d/yum
>   /etc/cron.daily/yum.cron
>   /usr/share/yum/
>   /usr/share/doc/yum-*
> the way my manual is structured, by the time we hit the chapter on SW
> management, students will have already covered:
>   - logging and log files
>   - cron and task scheduling
>   - service management and /etc/init.d
> so none of the above will come as a shock and it should all make perfect
> sense.  and it gives folks an instant picture of all the parts and how
> they hang together.  at that point, i start with how to use "yum" at the
> client level, and so on.
>   anyway, just my $0.03 cdn.  if i were a beginner, i just want a quick
> overview to the package, then just start showing me how to use it, that's
> all.

If you write it such an overview in linuxdoc, I will cheerily add it to
the existing HOWTO.  I will also buy you a beer should by chance we ever
meet (or send you funds sufficient for the beer of your choice via
paypal, with the same true for JP:-) and add you to the authors list.
There is a howto project template here:


that should let you see the syntax/documentation for linuxdoc and even
preview a result.  In fact, I'd recommend that you use linuxdoc (or some
sort of tldp sgml) as the manual basis anyway.  I'll cheerfully send you
the entire sources of the howto if you want to use it as a basis; it is
all GPL'd in the appropriate venue.  (BTW the project template still has
bugs in the makefile, sorry).


Robert G. Brown	                       http://www.phy.duke.edu/~rgb/
Duke University Dept. of Physics, Box 90305
Durham, N.C. 27708-0305
Phone: 1-919-660-2567  Fax: 919-660-2525     email:rgb at phy.duke.edu

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