[Yum] any way to force yum 1.0.3 to use passive mode with ftp respositories?

Troy Dawson dawson at fnal.gov
Wed Oct 22 15:31:19 UTC 2003

It's not quite true that passive mode won't work.  I'm quite certain that the 
fix isn't going to get into the official yum distro because it means messing 
with your basic python libraries, but there is a fix.

Here is what we do.
Copy your /usr/lib/python1.5/ftplib.py to /usr/share/yum/ftplib.py

Then edit /usr/share/yum/ftplib.py
and change the line
      self.passiveserver = 0
      self.passiveserver = 1

This will cause yum 1.0.x to work in passive mode.


nathan r. hruby wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Oct 2003, Alastair Neil wrote:
>>I am new to the list and I'm having a problem with 7.3 clients. I have
>>set up a yum repository to patch a number of RH 7.x vintage and RH 9
>>boxes.  The repository itself is a RH9 box running only vsftpd.  The RH9
>>clients work fine, 7.3 clients,however, are timing out when issuing a
>>nslt command for the header.info file.  The problem seems to be that the
>>1.0.3 yum client doesn't use passive mode.  I can grab the files by hand
>>using ftp, but see the same timeout if I turn off passive mode.  The
>>repository box and the clients are on either sides of a firewall.
> Passive mode doesn't work in yum-1.0x and probably never will.  Either make 
> the firewall deal with active or upgrade the 7.2 boxes to yum-2.x using 
> the freshrpms.net yum builds (which also includes upgrading rpm on these 
> machines as well)
> -n

Troy Dawson  dawson at fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group

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