[Yum] Removable media support in yum
Grigory Bakunov
black at asplinux.ru
Wed Oct 15 09:32:03 UTC 2003
seth vidal wrote:
>I'll fix it this evening. I didn't know that part was broken - my local
>tree is fine - hence the problem.
YES! Now it's fixed! Thanks!
>>Heh, i make two variables ([u]mountcommand in yum.conf)- if you dislike
>>current model
>>just set it to empty line or /bin/false - and then yum just ask for new
>>disk and don't
>>try to eject/mount. Do you think what this behaviour must be default?
>I think automatically ejecting/umounting filesystems is NOT something
>that I ever want yum to do.
>it's too error prone and doesn't belong internally. if a user is
>changing disks, they can probably handle umounting a drive.
But RH think different? Look at redhat-config-packages, it's mount and eject
CDRoms. Anyway i think yes, i need to set it by default to None, cause
you and
our sysadmins think than it's right. :)
>>Also I have lots of patches to yum (and this bored i18n patch too!) :)
>some of your patches I don't agree with how they are implemented and in
>some cases _what_ is implemented. I'd also like it if patches were
>queued in via bugzilla - and referenced on the mailing list.
Yes, i understand. What did you think if i build src.rpm with my patches
and provides
it to peoples? I don't think about fork, i think about 'bleeding edge
supercustomized powerfull yum with
patches for CD support, GUI and separate repository-config directory' :)
>wrt the i18n patch - I applied part of that the other night but I've not
>done a check in yet.
Thanks, it's good. I so persistent cause befor it i18n stuff has broken
Sorry for annoying.
>>Yes, i like this idea but how can i get DISKLABEL from cd? :)
>its on the disk. look in the disk information iirc.
Okey, i'll try to use your model with disklabel.
Thanks for hints!
IRC: irc.freenode.net #asplinux Grigory Bakunov
ICQ: 51369901 ASPLinux Development Team
Life would be so much easier if
we could just look at the source code.
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