[Yum] my first yum dependencies failure

Cliff Kent cliff at villagevisions.com
Tue Oct 7 19:47:09 UTC 2003


First, thanks very much to all involved with creating yum. I've had 
little trouble setting up private repositories for the Red Hat versions 
and some extras that we use here. Altogether a much better tool than I'm 
ever likely to need.

It was going so well that I'm puzzled by my first problem:

I wanted to take a look at abiword-2.0.0-2.i386.rpm, which is in 
rawhide. I created a special yum.conf that added rawhide at 
mirror.dulug.duke.edu to my regular "base, updates, custom" that were 
already working.

As root, I ran:

yum -c /root/yum/yum.conf.rawhide update abiword

This looked like it's working and got lots of headers from:


I was just starting to get confident, when yum failed dependencies with:

package gedit needs libaspell.so.10 (not provided)
package gedit needs libpspell_aspell.so.2 (not provided)
package gedit needs libpspell.so.4 (not provided)

That's puzzling, those three are supplied by:


Both RPMs are already installed.

With rpm, I'd ponder trashing the box. If the box was easy to recreate, 
I'd "--force" it on the next pass.

But, I see yum as a cleaner solution.

Is there an elegant solution to this? Or have I missed something?

Cliff Kent
Kent Engineering & Design

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